Just got back from class and was winding down, getting my homework out.
Knock knock. Benny pushes a beer towards me without saying anything. Like we were intergalactic superheroes and he just handed me my flux capacitor-hyper-zoom-extenda-ring that gave us powers and I knew exactly what to do with it. Drop everything and save the world fool.
Me: Oh hey. Uh, um hi. No thanks. I really ought to do some homework. I'm way behind. Really, thank you though.
Benny: Oh just thought that–well since you just got back home from class, right? You know. You might enjoy a beer.
Me: Yeah I did, but even though a beer sounds great I really have a lot of work to do tonight.
Benny: Oh yeah, right. Of course. Maybe another time.
Soon after, he's at the door again.
Benny: Want some habanero patties?
Me: Habanero patties?
Benny: I'm making some and thought you might want some. I just mush em together with some chopped peppers.
Me: Right. Sounds good but I just had a frozen dinner, thanks though.
Benny: Well if you ever want some food, I love to cook. I can make some porkchops. You like porkchops? Or chicken. I got lots of food.
Me: I really appreciate it but I ate and have a lot of work to do.
Benny: Just let me know if you want any habanero patties.
Unfortunately they actually sounded kinda good.